
oven mitts






 After one has found the right twine, one is to wind it up, following whitherso'ever it leads. The ringing of a silver and of  oven gloves a brass bell, the tinkle of ice in a glass of ordinary water and the dull click it makes in a glass of sparkling mineral water, the sound of metal on metal, of glass on glass, and wood against wood these and numberless others are easily provided if musical instruments are not within reach.

  Even a raw potato and a handful of gelatine are puzzling objects to name, when deprived of those invaluable auxiliaries, our eyes, for all the tests are made while the company is blindfolded. The one whose list is the longest receives a prize for the best sight or quickest power of observation.

  First comes the test of sight or observation. Each is given at the same time a little stick, on which to wind the string which fate has sent. Of course, an allotted time is given in which the answers may be written, and when time is called the one having the greatest number correct is the recipient of the prize.

  Questions and answers will be given below 7 , but the one giving the party, of course, withholds the answers until the close of the game.

  Next comes the test of smell. The bandages are then to be lifted for only a moment, after which the order is given to pull them over the eyes again. It is well to have many familiar things, and only a puzzling one now and then, since pleasure, and not perplexity, is the chief object of the game.

  12 Emblem of victory? Laurel wreath. Others have spiders at their ends, made of larch cones and wire.

  There are cards at the beginnings of the strings, with numbers corresponding to those which have been drawn.Something found in a school? Pupil.Games can make a party a lot more exciting and fun and following is a list of unusual but fun games for a party:

  All the guests are seated around a large table, and the master or mistress of ceremonies informs them that their five senses are to be tested and prizes given to those who can prove theirs to be the keenest.It is startling to find familiar rooms in such a haze of gray twine.

  Get enough tally cards for each guest, on the top of which write, "A Penny for Your Thoughts".Spring flowers? Tulips. The finger dipped in water and passed around the rim of a glass makes familiar music.

  The sense of feeling may be tested by passing quickly from hand to hand a variety of things that cause a little surprise and so put one off guard.In testing the taste, allspice, raw oatmeal, horseradish, chocolate almost anything may be offered that is not too unpalatable. The prizes need be but the merest trifles,




No Name Ninja
